Ngozi Finette Unuigbe, Osaheni Benedict


While recognizing economic development is important, it is necessary to strike a balance between such activities and its effect on the environment. With industrialization and economic prosperity being the underlining goals of various governments in various jurisdiction, the author indicates that these activities be carried out from an ecocentric view point, focusing on the importance of rights to nature and the problem of ecocide. History reveals the negative impact such activities have had on the environment. Environmental protections have been given international recognition; however, the modern approach of environmental activism has to be incorporated in the scheme of things. The author carefully explains the importance for the domestic and international community to move from an anthropocentric standard to an ecocentric one, by providing and statutorily recognizing the intrinsic value for nature. This is imperative in order to prevent events that have caused large scale destruction on the environment from repeating itself and preserve the original state of the earth for the benefit of both human and non-human life forms present in the ecosystem.

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ISSN eletrônico: 2359-6880      ISSN impresso: 1677-809X


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